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Nurturing Minds, Strengthening Community

Greetings from the heart of Saranac Lake, NY! At the Saranac Lake Free Library, we're more than just a collection of books – we're a vibrant hub where knowledge, culture, and community spirit come alive. Nestled in our charming town, our library has been a beacon of learning, inspiration, and togetherness for generations.

Why Your Support Matters

As a small community library, we thrive on the generosity of our patrons and supporters. Your contributions enable us to maintain and grow our diverse collection, enhance our digital and physical resources, organize engaging community events, and much more. Every dollar you donate helps us enrich lives and keep our community connected.

Join Our Journey

Your donation, big or small, is a vote of confidence in our mission to empower and unite our community through the joy of learning and the love of reading. Together, let's continue to make the Saranac Lake Free Library a place where all are welcome, and every story matters.

Thank you for your support!

Cartoon people in front of a library
How You Can Make a Difference
Monetary Gifts

Every dollar you donate makes a tangible impact. Your financial contributions support essential library services, fund new technology upgrades, and enable us to organize cultural and educational programs that benefit the entire Saranac Lake community.


Be a part of our library's story by volunteering your time and talents. Whether it's helping with daily operations, assisting in organizing community events, or lending your expertise to special projects, your involvement as a volunteer helps us create a welcoming and efficient environment for all our patrons.

Legacy Giving

Leave a lasting legacy that echoes your love for learning and community. By including the Saranac Lake Free Library in your estate planning, you ensure that future generations continue to have a vibrant, resource-rich sanctuary to learn, explore, and connect.

Book Donations

Your cherished reads can find a new home and audience at our library. Whether it's classic literature, contemporary novels, or educational resources, your book donations help diversify our collection and ensure there's always something new for every reader.

Donate Online

Donating to the Saranac Lake Free Library is a quick and impactful way to support our mission of fostering education, literacy, and community engagement. Your contributions help us maintain and expand our diverse collection of books and resources, fund educational programs, and continue to serve as a vital hub for knowledge and culture in our community.

A person donating money